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What are the Best Browser Extensions for Online Gamers?

With the rise in popularity of online games, it is little wonder that users want to get the best experience possible. Whether you are playing World of Warcraft, high rolling at an NZ online casino or teaming up with friends in League of Legends, it is natural to want your browser to work for you and enhance your gaming fun. Firefox, Chrome, and many other browser developers are aware of this demand and work hard to ensure there are many extensions and themes on offer so you can find exactly what you need. There are many hundred on offer, from practical extensions such as. VPN to more trivial offerings that enhance gameplay. We cannot possibly review them all, so here are four that we love, and think are well worth a try.

Awesome Screenshot

You definitely need to be able to record a sensational win using screenshots, firstly so you can remember that moment forever and secondly because you really do need to brag to your friends about your game playing prowess. Awesome screenshot does do what it says on the tin! Not only will you screengrab your whole set-up, but once you have the image, you can add text and blur anything you don’t want to be shown with no need to save and reload to image editing apps. This is a Chrome extension and includes folder organisation so you can save and catalogue your screenshots.

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Invisible Hand

Gaming is a popular pastime but sadly can get quite pricy when you look into all the gaming gear. Once you start, you will find it is hard to stop, but thankfully, Invisible Hand is an extension that can help you bag the best deals on anything you need. It searches the internet and compares prices returning the best prices it can find for everything. For example, if you are hitting up Amazon for a new headset and it can find it cheaper, Invisible Hand will let you know! You will also be offered coupons and freebies as a user, making it seem less budget-busting to keep up with the newest gaming must-haves. 

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Remind Me

It is guaranteed that all gamers have got so immersed in their game that they forget to do something important or get in trouble with a significant other for failing to let the dog out, wash up or hoover the room. Remind Me could be the key to staying out of trouble and reminding yourself to take a break now and then. The reminders you create are custom, and you can schedule them to pop up and flash when they are due. It is an excellent, simple app that you can set up every 24 hours. The only thing that would make this app better would be the ability to set weekly reminders rather than having to create everything daily, but it is well worth it as it is. 

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QR Code Generator 

Lots of gamers create content related to the game and want an easy way to share it. QR codes are still a really easy way to achieve this, and it is a straightforward process with this extension. There’s lots of customisability within the app, from shapes to colours, as well as the content you share. It is easy to install, and you can even add a logo if you want to brand your gaming content. If you don’t have a logo but are looking to build an audience and expand your reach, that’s a great way to create uniformity and become easily recognised when using QR Code Generator.

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