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Transit Advertising

3 Ways to Implement Transit Advertising Into Your Brand Strategy

It can be difficult to find new ways to let people know about your business, especially if you’ve already tried television commercials, billboards, and other traditional options. One of the best ways to get your name noticed, and that many companies ignore, is transit advertising in cities and on highways across the country. Using these mobile ad spaces will give your message mobility, bringing it to eyes all over the city, and even the world!

What is Transit Advertising?

Typically businesses will turn to print ads or electronic media as the best sinks for their advertising dollars. However, static ads such as these only get noticed when people come across them. They don’t actively draw in viewers, and unless someone is watching the right channel or going to the right website, that advertising budget is wasted.

Transit ads are ones typically on larger vehicles, plastered to the sides for all to see. The main benefit of this kind of marketing is the number of people who see your ads. As a bus or truck drives around, motorists, pedestrians, and window-watchers will see the mobile billboard, and thus your message. Customers from all demographics have the chance to see what your business has to offer!

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The Travel Trifecta

Because it can target so many groups of people, transit advertising is a reliable way to spread your message. People use public transportation every day, while motorists and pedestrians have to keep their eyes on the road simply for their own safety. Transit ads are also very flexible, letting you combine different types of ads into a cohesive marketing strategy. 

There are three main types of transit marketing, each reaching a particular group of people more effectively than the others. Understanding your audience and the message you want to convey is an important part of deciding how you want to implement these mobile campaigns. The three main ways to use transit ads are:

Buses and Taxis: Ads in the City

These types of ads appear on or inside public buses and cabs. Most commercial busing and taxi companies allow advertising with their vehicles. Choosing a local bus will ensure that your advertising makes its way around town for everyone to see. Motorists sitting in traffic or pedestrians waiting for the light to change will have ample time to take in your message. Essentially, everyone with eyes is a captive audience!

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Interior bus and taxi transit ads are great options too. As people commute to work and take in their surroundings, your marketing display will be staring them in the face. As they check to see which stop they need or what the taxi rate is in the city, their gaze is destined to cross over your strategically placed ad space!

Commuter Rails and Subways: The Great Wait

If there’s one thing that commuters have to deal with every day, it’s waiting. First, they stand in the train depot for the train to arrive. Then they have to wait, stop after stop, until they get into the city. More waiting for the subway, then sitting and waiting…you get the idea. That’s a lot of bored eyes searching around for some form of entertainment.

People need a distraction, and fun transit advertising is great for providing relief from the monotony. Eye-catching ads on subways and rails give you plenty of time to communicate your message in interesting and memorable ways. You can even have ads that follow a particular story, beginning with posters in the subway terminal outside of work and concluding as they step off the train at the end of their commute!

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Truck-Side Media: Mobile Billboards

Imagine combining the mobility of transit ads with the impact of billboards, That’s the power a truck-side ad campaign can offer your business. A fleet of highly visible ads is hard to miss in the city or on the highway. In fact, the sides of trucks are better than billboards because they re always on the move.

Whereas divers can only see static signs for a few seconds at a time, motorists have to drive alongside tractor trailers, making them the perfect venue for an attention-grabbing message. You can also increase your reach as deliveries made all over the country could carry your advertising along with them. Using truck-side transit advertising is a great way to get a lot of mileage out of your marketing budget.

Paving the Way To Awareness

If you’re looking to get a lot of eyes on your ads and reach a diverse market of a captive audience, transit marketing is the way to go. Commuting and personal travel are always necessary, and getting noticed during travels will help your company get noticed against other advertising static. Take control of your marketing strategy and let transit ads help your business make a commute to the big time!

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