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Myths and Truths about the Programming World


We will present some myths and truths about the programming world and extract essential lessons for the programmer’s daily life.

The idea of this article is precisely to reflect on specific topics that can even be considered paradigms of the programming universe.

Do I need to be an expert in mathematics to program?

This is a general question for those who are starting or are interested in entering the programming community. We must immediately clarify that mathematics and programming are two different things.

In a good part of his routine, a programmer uses codes that do not require profound mathematical knowledge – he uses much more logic than the calculations themselves. Of course, you will need some algebra skills, but nothing that requires you to be an expert in the subject.

So here’s some news for you who’ve never been that much of a math fan – don’t despair! Programming can still be a viable path for you.

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Using the wrong code, does it work?

Well, this is probably a fairly common situation. I bring you news, yes, ‘bad’ code can also work.

It can happen in various situations that the programmer develops poorly structured and poorly formatted code. As inconsistent as they may seem, these codes can perform the role for which people created them.

The maintenance process or simply understanding the code becomes much more complicated and time-consuming with poorly written code. And as we know, time is an essential element of project delivery.

So if you struggle with preparing a programming project or assignment in time, you can approach a professional from Wow Assignment who will gladly help you cope with a task of any volume and complexity.

Once you learn to program, you’ll never forget it!

Technology must be constantly studied and updated, just like learning a new language. If you don’t practice, there is a big chance you will forget it.

Much more than that, constant exercise refines your problem-solving skills and your command of the language or tool. It also improves your view of the technology.

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Is theory different from practice?

There is a great truth, those who never went through a situation where they thought of a solution, idealized the project and the way to build the code, but when they got to the practical phase of execution, they saw that the thing would not be as simple as they thought it would be.

Programming is practical. It is widespread to encounter several factors that force us to change ideas and positions. We could cite a vast list of points that can influence this difference between theory and practice, but as each person has their context, we will leave this reflection open.

Creativity is a Useless Characteristic

A great myth about programming is that, due to the image building of the professional with an inflexible, rigid, and repetitive routine, he will have no room to use his creativity. Well, that is a lie.

Think that a programmer needs to deal daily with the need to create solutions to problems of the most diverse natures. He will need (and a lot) to use creativity to program, agility, organization, and insight to find resolutions.

So let’s reconstruct this idea that programming is something monotonous and inflexible. If you have a creative mind, you can do very well in this way. This is because more and more professionals who can have good ideas and promote technology and innovations are needed.

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Learning the Programming Language

Myth! The point here is that there is not precisely one programming language that can be considered the best. Granted, some are more popular than others, but the one universal truth we can take away is that all programming languages change, evolve, or can be forgotten.

Don’t be tempted to limit yourself to learning the latest programming languages, have your technical repertoire, and develop your mastery and confidence in the languages you choose to work with. Also, commonly, a project requires knowledge of several different tools, so every experience is essential in your professional path.

Leave the prejudices and Excuses behind!

You don’t have to be afraid of programming. You must understand that even the professional can make mistakes because regardless of his status, he is still a professional in constant learning and evolution.

With time you’ll undoubtedly learn how to use your experiences to find a solution to any problem and, as a result, succeed in programming.

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