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tidy home

5 Tips for Keeping a Tidy Home

Keeping your home organized and clean isn’t just great for when you have guests, it can also be good for your mental health. Here are some tips to help you keep your home tidy:

Do weekly bedding washes

Bedding should be cleaned often to keep bed bug control, as no matter how clean of a person you may be, there is often a build-up of hair, particles, and sometimes makeup that should be washed off on a regular basis. If you’re wondering “Can you wash a weighted blanket?” consider investing in bedding that is easy to clean and doesn’t require a weekly visit to the dry cleaners. Think about using a mattress topper to keep your mattress in tip-top shape. 

Book a monthly deep cleaning

From your carpets to your kitchen, over time things get messy and dirty and deep cleaning can be helpful in avoiding dust and grime buildup, as well as bad odors. Book a monthly deep cleaning so you can help to keep your home looking, feeling, and smelling fresh. 


Whether you clean it yourself or hire professional cleaners, the point is to get in there deep! It will make it feel like you gave your home a makeover! While we all want to be able to keep our homes as clean as possible, our busy lives can make it a challenge to keep up with. Professionals can be the solution you need. 

Use containers or baskets for easy storage

One of the easiest ways to make your home look like a mess is to have items lying around here and there and out of place. This is easy to do. From laying your keys and glasses anywhere to throwing a purse or bag on the sofa, it’s easy for things to collect out of place when you don’t have a specific place to put your belongings.


From the Container Store to bargain-priced containers at Dollar General, there are plenty of places to shop around for items that will make your life and home organization duties easier. 

Avoid clutter

A home that is full of stuff is one that may not look that clean or organized. Avoid this by selling old items you never use or avoiding the habit of buying new items. For example, if you already have plenty of décor in your home, try your best to avoid getting new décor you don’t really have room for. 

If you’re already finding it hard to find space, avoid cluttering up your home. Every 4-6 months, take stock of what you have and consider donating items that you no longer use.  

Organize drawers and cabinets well

Organization in your home is key. From where you put things to how you organize them, there is a method to keeping your home clean and organized. You could consider hiring a professional organizer if you find it hard to keep up with keeping your kitchen or bedroom organized, so they can show you the tricks of the trade to ensure your home is easy to keep clean. 


There’s a reason why Marie Kondo is so popular—everyone can learn some great tricks on how to organize their home from her. 

Person Wearing White Pants and White Socks Standing Beside Brown Broom

In Conclusion

Whether containers are what will help you keep your home organized or you need to hire a professional organizer to help you get your home in tip-top shape, the best way to make sure your home stays tidy is to set it up for success. Once you have it set up to know where everything goes, it will be that much easier to keep it tidy on a daily basis. It’s worth the time and investment—a tidy home will make you feel great! 

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