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essay writing

Never Forget These Eternal Truths as a Student

Want to be the best student you can be? In this case, follow the tips below!

Don’t Forget Important Deadlines and Dates

First the exam registration, then the re-registration period for the next semester: your studies are full of important dates and deadlines. And don’t miss these deadlines! Therefore, make a note of the most important dates before each semester and check your calendar regularly. If something is forgotten: Here I will show you what you can do if you missed your exam registration.

Don’t Be a Smartass

At university, you will be overwhelmed with information and you will learn a lot of facts during your studies. So far so good. On the other hand, it is not good at all if you put your knowledge in the foreground at every opportunity and teach others. Do me (and especially you!) a favor and don’t become an academic know-it-all! It may be that you have a lot on the box and maybe you are smarter than your counterpart. But you don’t have to show it again and again and mutate into a smartass. There is already enough of that.

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Don’t Ignore Emails

Did you also get an official email account from your university? If so: Then check your emails there regularly! Students are required to read and respond to their emails. Official announcements from your university are sometimes only announced by e-mail and if you miss this information, it can end badly for you. So get in the habit of checking your university inbox once a week.

Don’t Believe in Talent

Success in studies has nothing to do with talent but is based on hard and structured work. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking you’re not smart enough to get your degree or pass the next exam. That’s just not true and has nothing to do with reality. It’s always in your hands! Incidentally, Albert Einstein already knew this  “A genius is created 1% from talent and 99% from hard work.”

Don’t Be Put Off by University Bureaucracy

Your college can be incredibly formal and bureaucratic at times. Be it some scholarship application or the organization of a semester abroad. But don’t let that get you down and bite your way through! At some point, you have to learn anyway to deal with official stuff and bureaucratic fuss.

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Don’t Forget to Network

Build a network at the university! You won’t get far on your own and you’ll definitely fall short of your potential. When preparing for exams, during an internship, or later in professional life: team players and networkers are in demand! So make as many contacts as possible in the new year and get to know new people at every opportunity. It’s going to be worth it.

Don’t Be So Reserved in the Lecture

Lectures usually proceed in a classic way: the lecturers come into the lecture hall, begin the lecture, the students listen lazily, take notes here and there, and then the performance is already over. But it doesn’t have to work that way! You can get involved in the lecture and actively participate. If your instructors include interactive parts and ask open-ended questions, you should get involved. Not to distinguish yourself, but to learn. Get over yourself and from now on don’t be so reserved in the lecture. Ask questions and get involved!

Don’t Be Afraid of Your Lecturers

How often did you talk to your professor in the last semester? How often did you ask questions when you didn’t understand something? I bet little to none. But you’re missing something. You don’t have to be afraid of your lecturers. Respect yes, fear no. Your lecturers don’t bite! So dare and look for the contact. In this article, my blogger colleague Luisa gives you 5 tips on how to better talk to your professor.

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Stop Living in a Mess

Clean up again! How are you going to get your studies on track if you can’t even get your desk in order?! The excuse “Order is for primitives, only genius can rule chaos” doesn’t count. Be a neat genius 

Don’t cheat. Not Even a Little Bit

Actually, of course, b would like to talk to you briefly about cheating and cheating at university. Just leave it! Anyone who still goes to exams with a cheat sheet or steals formulations for their thesis has not understood what the university and science are all about. Rather be honest and proud of yourself in the end. In the worst case, you can destroy your studies through fraud 


Lastly, don’t forget to get help from an essay writing service if you need it! You’re only a student and can only deal with so much pressure. In other aspects of student life, be sure to make the most out of our pieces of advice!

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