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5 Unbelievable Benefits Of THC Oil!

Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the most recognized cannabinoids extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Its psychotropic properties have made it a popular recreational substance. In addition, studies have found that THC has incredible therapeutic potential. The demand for THC has sky-rocketed due to its multiple desirable qualities. Manufacturers have introduced several THC-infused products to respond to the growing demands, such as THC oils, tinctures, vapes, gummies, and capsules. 

If you are new to THC Oil and don’t know why it has caused an uproar, we are here to help you. This article will talk about the five benefits of THC oil and how you can use it in your daily life. Before that, let’s explore what THC is and how it works on the body. 

Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as Delta-9 THC, is one of the active ingredients extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It is a psychoactive cannabinoid. Consuming THC can make you high and induce a sense of euphoria. When consumed, Delta-9 THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The Endocannabinoid system is a network of endocannabinoid receptors and neurotransmitters found throughout the body. The THC molecules bind with these receptors and show different therapeutic effects. Here are five health benefits of THC oil. 

5 Unbelievable Perks Can You Expect From THC Oil!

It Helps Relieve Pain and Inflammation

THC has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties; thus, it helps relieve chronic pain associated with various neuropathic and musculoskeletal disorders. THC binds with the endocannabinoid receptors in the nervous system and inhibits the pain-mediating system. As a result, the pain transmission is blocked. A systematic review conducted in 2015 showed that THC oil could improve pain by 40%. Some people also state that THC can sometimes be more effective than conventional pain-relieving drugs. 

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Anecdotal evidence indicates that CBD and THC oil can help relieve pain and discomfort associated with cancer and chemotherapy. Studies have shown that THC oil can help improve migraine pain. It is also beneficial for treating pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. It also helps relieve muscle soreness and spasms. 

It Rescues You From Anxiety and Stress

Another crucial property of THC is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. THC oil can also help relieve depressive behavior. The THC molecules bind with the endocannabinoid receptors and lower cortisol (the stress hormone), thus, helping reduce anxiety. THC oil also stimulates the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine hormones. These hormones induce the feeling of calmness and relaxation and allow you to cope with anxiety. 

Studies have also suggested that THC can help manage Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Social Anxiety Disorder, and Separation anxiety. Some anecdotal evidence also indicates that THC can significantly lower the self-harming behavior in people with depression. 

It Helps Treat Skin Ailments

Topical THC oil can be very beneficial for skin issues. Cannabis has antimicrobial effects; therefore, experts claim that THC oil can help treat bacterial and fungal skin infections. It also fights against acne-causing bacteria and significantly reduces the incidence of breakouts. THC oil can also help treat skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis. 

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The anti-inflammatory properties of THC also help treat inflammatory skin diseases. THC also has antioxidative properties. Applying THC oil topically can help relieve oxidative stress, delay the appearance of signs of aging, and even decrease the risk of skin cancer. THC oil can also aid in treating sunburn and improve the texture of the skin. 

It Promotes Brain Development

THC is known to have remarkable neuroprotective properties. It interacts with the endocannabinoid receptors present in the central nervous system and helps regulate the potassium and calcium channels. THC lowers the secretion of enzymes like adenylyl cyclase, thereby improving brain health. It can also help enhance cognitive functions. 

Anecdotal evidence suggests that THC can help you stay clear-headed and alert and allows you to be more productive. THC has anticonvulsant properties. A small-scale study suggested that THC helped reduce the frequency and intensity of seizures associated with epilepsy. Consuming Delta-9 THC also helps improve memory retention and enhances your concentration power.  

It is an Effective Sleep Aid

THC has a sedative effect when used in high doses. But, in low doses, THC oil can act as a sleep aid. Experts believe that erratic behavior of the endocannabinoid system can disrupt the sleep cycle. The THC molecules can bind with the endocannabinoid receptors and help rectify the issue. THC stimulates the synthesis of dopamine and melatonin, the two neurotransmitters that help induce sleep. As a result, it helps relieve sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea and improves sleep quality.

THC also recharges the brain cells when you sleep and helps restore your lost energy. THC also increases protein synthesis, which helps regenerate the damaged tissues and strengthens your immunity. Consequently, you will feel more energetic and refreshed the next day after you wake up. 

Is THC Oil Safe to Use?

Though THC is one of the earliest discovered cannabinoids, scientists have not been able to study the complete safety profile of this ingredient. Usually, THC is safe to consume and is well-tolerated by most individuals. 

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However, some cases of adverse reactions to THC products have been reported in the past, such as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Disconnected thoughts
  • Induce Panic reactions
  • Delusions

THC can also induce hypersensitive reactions in some individuals, especially those allergic to nuts, trees, and terpenes. In addition, THC can react adversely to certain drugs such as blood thinners, corticosteroids, antipsychotics, antidepressants, antihistamines, etc. Thus, consult your physician before including THC oil in your daily regime if you are under any medication. 

Lastly, various scientific studies conducted over the years have found that THC has multiple health benefits. It can help relieve chronic pain and inflammation, reduce anxiety, and help improve sleep quality. The delta-8 vs delta-9 thc oil can also help treat skin ailments. Scientists believe that the antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties of THC help to treat several health issues. 

THC oil can be taken in an edible or topical form. You can directly consume the edible THC oil by taking it sublingually or by mixing it in your preferred food or beverages. One can apply topical THC oil in affected areas for various purposes. It can help relieve muscle soreness, joint stiffness, and symptoms associated with arthritis. However, THC oil can have some mild-to-moderate side effects too. 

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