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The green belt training introduces a professional to concepts like minimization of defects, boosting of the working process, and enhancement of value, amongst other things.

The green belt certificate targets those candidates who aim to learn the various techniques which will help enhance their business processes.

If you count yourself amongst the above-mentioned people and are on the lookout for tools and techniques to improve your business process, then the lean six sigma green belt training is just the thing you need.

If you’re able to properly understand the six sigma green belt techniques, you’ll be able to successfully reduce day to day costs, smoothen out the working processes while reducing unnecessary monetary costs as well.


There does not exist any single organization which is assigned to provide a six-sigma certification. Some of the most prominent trainers are ASQ, PIM Training and Consulting, Grey campus, Acknowledge Benelux, etc.

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In order to get certified by any of the above-mentioned institutes, you must follow a fixed procedure.

The green belt certification involves mastering the subject matter, passing a written proficiency test, and showcasing competency in the actual work environment. The relevant study material can be issued from any six-sigma company, but some form of training is required to become knowledgeable in all the existing methodologies.

Once your training is done, you are then required to write a multiple-choice test that aims at measuring your understanding of the important aspects of the Green belt body of knowledge. The test is conducted by the training institute itself. There is a total of 100 MCQ’s for which each candidate is given a duration of 4 hours.

After you successfully pass the exam with an aggregate score of 50% or more, you are then required to undertake a couple of projects related to the green belt.


Whether or not you’re going to clear your six sigma green belt exam depends on a few factors. Let us now take a look at some of the tried and tested ways that can be used by a candidate to do the same:

  • Practice questions: To gain the six-sigma green belt certificate, one has to clear a multiple-choice questions test. To be absolutely ready for the test, make sure you go through all the practice papers and questions available on the net so that you have a fair idea as to what can be expected from the test.
  • Certification courses: there are a plethora of green belt courses available nowadays from which you can choose the one which suits your needs best.
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These courses are specifically designed to give the students hands-on experience with access to the various tools and techniques generally used in the industry, which enables them to have the edge over their peers when they actually enter the industry.

The various advantages of these courses vary from course to course like for example; Students can choose either the online courses or opt for in-class courses that have a more personal touch to them due to the close physical proximity with the instructors and the trainers.

  • Joining a forum: While preparing for the lean six sigma green belt training, it is important to gather as much available information as you can. There are various online forums where trainers and industry experts, and actioners alike share their inputs on preparing for the green belt exam.
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These forums provide a detailed range of six sigma topics further categorized into sub-topics for easy navigation. But, one should always remember that although these forums provide a good platform for enhancing your knowledge base, not every member is an expert, and there will always be a lot of unnecessary and unimportant information.

Thus, you should be careful while exploring such platforms and only use the information which is relevant to your ultimate purpose.


Once you successfully complete all the required parameters of the green belt exam and gain your certificate, you will then have the ability to:

  • Solve problems related to the process.
  • Understand and gain knowledge about all the different types of business processes.
  • To enhance the work quality and create customer satisfaction
  • Widen your career opportunities.
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